Abraha elephant name
Abraha is a name of Ge'ez origin meaning "he has illuminated" [1] that may refer to Given name.
Abraha death
Abraha (flourished 6th century ad) was an Ethiopian Christian viceroy of Yemen in southern Arabia during the 6th century AD. Abraha was viceroy of the principality of Sabaʾ in Yemen for .
Abraha in qur'an
Abraha (Arabic: أبرهة) or Abraha al-Ashram (Arabic: أبرهة الأشرم) was the king of Yemen and the commander of the army of the elephants who marched to Mecca to destroy the Ka'ba but was .
Abraha church
אברהא (נפטר לאחר שנת 553 [1], שלט בשנים 525-553 [2]) ידוע גם בכינוי ה ערבי אברהת אל-אשרם (أبرهة الأشرم) דהיינו "אברהא המצולק" ו אברהא אל-חבשה (החבשי), היה גנרל אתיופי נוצרי, כובשה ושליטה של דרום .